Remember the BC Paraplegic Association (BCPA)? Well forget about it! On May 3rd, the BCPA became Spinal Cord Injury BC (SCI BC).
Why did the organization change its name? Executive Director Chris McBride says one of the most important reasons was inclusion. When the organization was founded 55 years ago, quadriplegics did not survive for long after their injury. Not so today – there as many quadriplegics as paraplegics, which led to some confusion with respect to our name. “Our team would regularly be asked by families of newly injured quadriplegics if they could access our services, or if they were for paraplegics only,” he says.
McBride also notes that more than half of spinal cord injuries are from non-traumatic causes, like cancer, infections, or spinal disorders, such as spina bifida. “We wanted people to know that anyone with a spinal cord injury or related physical disability can access our peer and information services,” says McBride.
Don’t worry though, the organization’s name might have changed, but their mission and services stay the same and they are still inclusive of those with related disabilities. “SCI BC is still here to help people with SCI or related physical disabilities and their families and friends adapt, adjust and thrive, whether they are dealing with a new injury or struggling with the ongoing challenges of living and aging with a physical disability,” says McBride. Along with their new name, the BC SCI has beefed up their online presence, so make sure to follow them on Twitter @SCI_BC or like them on Facebook @SpinalCordInjuryBC to post your favourite photos, learn about SCI-related news and events or participate in online polls.
SCI BC is also looking for guest bloggers to share their stories about life, sports, nutrition or whatever else may be on your mind on their new website, Contact if you’re interested in contributing!