If you have a student with a physical disability in your school or community programs you can provide that individual as well as their peers with a valuable education and awareness experience at the same time teaching them empathy. Wheelchair Basketball can be a catalyst for change in your school or community and it is a fun and memorable experience that everyone can enjoy.

Sport wheelchairs used for wheelchair basketball are available for rental in schools across BC for use in daily physical education classes, after school programs, or special events. In addition, a coach or athlete may be available to come to your program to introduce the sport, games, and activity ideas to your group.
Teachers or Program Leaders may find this is a great way to offer inclusive programming for students with physical disabilities in your program. This physical activity opportunity is best suited for individuals with good upper body mobility (to allow for catching and passing) and use of a manual chair to ensure a positive sport experience.
Click to read the Richmond News, Burnaby Now
“Students seemed to really embrace the opportunity to try the wheelchairs and participate in a variety of games/activities while in them. Some teachers had valuable conversations with their students prior to trying the wheelchairs/wheelchair basketball and were able to cover important topics such as personal growth, physical ability, and empathy.”
Jules Quesnel Elementary School
“The highlight for many students and teachers was trying out the wheelchairs and having the perspective of someone who lives with a physical disability, for a short while. As the coordinator, I thought having Tanner come to the school was so inspiring. To hear his story and his accomplishments first hand was worth all the planning and work leading up to the event.”
Upper Lynn Elementary School
“Loved the program – used chairs in all classes throughout the week. Learned some easy games to play in class with students. Highlight was meeting Tanner and seeing his skills at wheelchair basketball.”
Immaculate Conception School – Delta
Greater Vancouver Region
BCWBS is pleased to welcome school requests for the 2024-25 school year. With a focus on delivering programs to schools that have students with disabilities options include a coach for 1-2 days and rental of 10 wheelchairs. These options allow students to work on physical literacy by playing fun school yard games and progress to the skills required to play a full wheelchair basketball game.
Already have staff comfortable leading physical literacy games with wheelchairs or wheelchair basketball; we welcome wheelchair only rentals to make this possible. We have also updated our recourses package for those interesting in finding new ways to challenge their students and for those new to the experience.
Make your Booking Request Today. Click Here
Partnership with Richmond Olympic Oval
BCWBS has adapted our School & Community Program for the Greater Vancouver area for the 2024-25 season. We are excited for our partnership with the Richmond Olympic Oval to offer inclusive Wheelchair Basketball options tailored for schools and community groups.
Please contact the Richmond Olympic Oval Directly to book. Click to email
Northern British Columbia
Students at school in Northern BC can learn about and try wheelchair basketball with a certified instructor. Please contact Rob to discuss your request.