BCBOA Pink Whistle Campaign

January 7, 2011

Attention friends and families of BCBOA member officials: Please join us as we endeavor to raise Awareness, and support research for cures of all Cancers, by asking you and your friends to consider a small donation to our cause.

There are very few in our numbers, who have not personally experienced the challenge of fighting this disease, caring for someone who is fighting the fight of their lives, or have suffered the loss of a colleague, friend, or family member. We are currently aware of two members of our (BCBOA) family that have recently been inflicted by this disease; Bob Heavenor (GVBOA) and John Mill (EKBOA).

For two weeks in February of 2010, member officials wore pink whistles to raise awareness of all cancers. The BCBOA’s inaugural “Pink Whistle Campaign” resulted in its members generously contributing over $2200 to the cause. All money raised was donated to the Canadian Cancer Society, BC & Yukon Division, for cancer research.

For all of us who haven't experienced either Chemo-therapy or Radiation treatments, it's time to reach out and create awareness for those who need our help. The BCBOA’s 2011 “Pink Whistle Campaign” will once again, be making pink whistles available for a minimum $10 donation. We will ask officials to wear the pink whistles during all games from February 1st to the 14th. There are two ways to purchase these whistles and participate in the campaign:
1. Some local Associations will offer to deduct your donation from your game fees and submit it to the BCBOA on your behalf. A minimum $10 donation is requested for each whistle.
2. You can also visit the Canadian Cancer Society/BCBOA online donation site at http://cancerevents.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=4201... Please note, that to receive a whistle when making an online donation, the donation must be a minimum of $25, and you must email BCBOAvsCancer@gmail.com to request the whistle. Online donations will generate a Tax Receipt in your name.

You can use the whistle:
1. As an Active Referee, from February 1st – 14th, 2011
2. As a Coach during practices
3. As an addition to your key chain for emergency situations
4. To show others that you have joined with caring referees, to support cancer awareness and research
Please join us as we continue to blow the whistle on cancer.

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